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  • Donate | Crosslines Ministrie

    Financial support While all donations are much appreciated, we cannot provide vital support for individuals and families in crisis through our programs and services without your financial gifts. Your donations help us keep our doors open, so that we can continue to help our neighbors in need. Last year your gifts provided: 4,241 Pantry Services 2,973 Clothing Assistance 323 Overnight Packs 6,131 USDA Commodities 120 Homeless Packs 720 Hygiene Kits Donate Today Support families in need. First name Last name Email Donate in the name of: Honoree name: How did you hear about us? Enter the amount you wish to donate: $ Donate Thank you for making a difference!

  • Events | Crosslines Ministrie

    Crosslines Ministries holds fundraising events to help fund the services we provide to our community. events next event Souper Bowl of caring Date/Times: See Flyer Below Location: Crosslines Ministries- Joplin upcoming events TBA

  • Crosslines Ministries Joplin | food pantry in Joplin | 320 School Avenue, Joplin, MO, USA

    Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area provides emergency food pantry services that improve the overall health and welfare of individuals and families in the Joplin, Carl Junction, and Webb City areas. Serving God by helping others. Learn more our mission Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area provides emergency services that improve the overall health and welfare of individuals and families in the Joplin, Carl Junction, and Webb City areas. our vision Our vision is to assist people in their current crisis by providing them with necessary resources to mitigate poverty through an empowerment theory of change. Mission + Vision “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 yearly impact individuals served emergency pantry 4,241 usda commodities 6,131 clothing assistance 2,973 homeless packs 120 overnight packs 323 hygiene kits 720 GIVE TODAY TO HELP provide food and necessities for local families. DONATE NOW!

  • FAQ | Crosslines Ministrie

    Our FAQ page answers several of the frequently asked questions by our current and prospective clients. frequently asked questions faqs how do I sign up/update? Clients must live in our serv i ce area- 64834 Carl Junction and Smithfield 64832 Asbury, Waco 64855 Oronogo - up to Northern Jasper Co. border 64870 Webb City 64835 Carterville 64830 Alba 64849 Neck City 64857 Purcell 64841 Duenweg 64801,64802, 64803, 64804 . We go by the physical address (no PO Box or mailing address). There is a federal income cap. We can either check when you sign up, or you may call 417-782-8384. Please leave a message, and we will return your call. We need SSNs for everyone in the household. For each adult (18+), we need: photo ID, 2 official proofs of physical address, and proof of income. Ex. of proof of address include: city, state, or federal document(s), insurance document(s), medical bill(s), lease agreement, most recent utility bill(s), bank statement, pay stub, benefits letter, etc. I am unable to make it to crosslines. How do i receive services? If you are a current client, you may: Have another person listed on your case pick up your items. He/she will need a photo ID. Have another person not listed on your case pick up your items; however, he/she will need their photo ID, your photo ID, your Crosslines card, and a signed and dated note stating the person's name picking up the items has permission to do so. What is the difference between Pantry & usda/commodity? The Pantry and USDA/Commodity are two different food services: The Pantry is a food service offered as one of Crosslines' regular services. This is food we purchase, pick up from local stores, or is donated through food drives and individuals. The amount and type of items varies based upon the donation we receive or our buying options. The USDA/Commodity is the government-subsidized food offered on the first Monday and the first, second, third, and fourth Wednesday of each month. Clients may receive 1x per month. Ozark Food Harvest distributes the food to us, and we share what we are given. how do i know if i qualify for services? If you are not already a client and want to sign up, call 417-782-8384 and leave a message. We'll get back with you ASAP. or, p ersonal mess age on Facebook . If you are already a client and want to know if you are eligible for a service, call 417-782-8384 or personal message us on Facebook . There is also a QR code on our Facebook page. Click the QR code, fill out the short form, and we'll get back with you ASAP. What is a "Homeless Pack"? A homeless/transitional pack is a bag of convenient, easy-to-open foods. There are no cold items. The homeless pack is offered in lieu of the pantry and is available every 90 days. You may receive this pack if you: are homeless were not able to provide or verify two proofs of physical address. are living in a recover/treatment accommodations. what services does crosslines offer? USDA/Commodities, The Pantry, clothing/misc. household, hygiene kits, protein shakes, cleaning supplies, household/linen items by request, dog/cat food, cat litter, feminine products, incontinence supplies, baby formula/food, diapers/Pull-ups, and wipes. how long is my wait to check-in? Anywhere from 0 minutes to an hour. The wait time depends on what time you arrive, how many other are front of you, if they are updating, how many services are being asked for, staff absence, etc. Please be patient. We strive to meet the individual needs of the current client. You will receive the same quality of service. I have a hard time standing in line for long periods. Is there a place to sit? No. As a general rule, there are no chairs available. If you are unable to stand, you may ask for a chair. If you have a chronic condition, you may want to bring a walker with a chair or a wheelchair. We will do our best to meet individual needs. Can I request items? Crosslines has multiple items by request (available by donation), such as: Dog/cat food Cat litter Protein shakes Some gluten-free items Dish & bath towels Bedding (sheets, comforters, and blankets) Various kitchenware Cleaning supplies (1 per household) how often ca i get pantry and clothes? Pantry is offered every 90 days or after during operating hours. Clothing is offered every 60 days or after during operating hours. Does crosslines deliver? No, we are unable to provide delivery services. what donations do you take? Crosslines DOES NOT accept: furniture, electronics, ink cartridges, or medical supplies. We accept all other items. Go to the East gate. Park by the double doors on the North side of the building to drop off donations at the hours below. Mondays 4- 5:30 pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays 10 am- 1:30 pm. We are closed every 5th Wednesday. Check Facebook for other closings. I don't have transportation. Can I borrow a basket? No, the basket policy states a cart taken outside the fenced area will result in a loss of all services for 6 months. We need all of our baskets left on the premises to help with services for everyone. Please plan on bringing your own method of transporting your items home. my wallet/purse was stolen/lost. can i still receive services? Photo ID is required to receive any services. my roommate and i share a house/apartment but separate food. Can i sign up for my own case? Policy states that if you share a kitchen, you share a case. what if I cannot make it to my usda/commodity appointment? Clients receive 1 per month. If you can't make your day/time, pick another opportunity during the hours below: First Monday, 4- 6:30 pm. Arrive no later than 6:15 pm. All other Mondays, 4- 6 pm. Doors lock at 5:30 pm. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Wednesday, 10 am- 1:30 pm. Arrive no later than 1:15 pm. If you have additional questions about our programs or services, please email us via the link below or call us at (417) 782-8384. Contact Us

  • Services | Crosslines Ministrie

    Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area provides emergency services that improve the overall health and welfare of very low and low-income individuals and families in the Joplin, Carl Junction, and Webb City areas. Our three primary programs are the Emergency Food Pantry, USDA/Commodities, and the clothing and houseware donation area. Our services Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area provides emergency services that improve the overall health and welfare of very low and low-income individuals and families in the Joplin, Carl Junction, and Webb City areas. Our three primary programs are the Emergency Food Pantry, USDA/Commodities, and the clothing and houseware donation area. We also provide other services for our clients (see below). All services are free for all clients who qualify. For information on who qualifies for services, please see our FAQ page. For information on specific programs, please contact us via phone, email, Facebook Messenger, the form below, or by clicking HERE . Food Pantry Crosslines Ministries serves an average of 220 families each month through the Emergency Food Pantry. The Pantry provides a wide variety of foods in order to help fulfill client nutritional needs and keep families strong and thriving. USDA Commodities Crosslines Ministries is the only distributor of USDA Foods in the western side of Jasper County, serving about 750 families per month. Clients may pick up commodities on the 1st Monday of the month or any Wednesday of the month during operating hours. Clothing & housewares Our Clothings and Houseware donation area is open on our Non-USDA Food Days. Clients can come and get clothing for anyone who is listed as living in their home, as well as houseware items available upon request. Hygiene supplies Crosslines Ministries offers hygiene kits for our clients, including incontinence supplies (briefs, bed pads, etc.) and feminine products. These items are available upon request. Baby items Crosslines Ministries provides baby products and supplies, such as formula, baby food, diapers, pull-ups, wipes, and layette for our clients. These items are available upon request. Christmas toy room Crosslines Ministries also helps our clients create Christmas memories with their families through our Christmas Toy Room. This program helps our clients enjoy the joy of the holidays by giving gifts to their children. USDA Nondiscrimination statement In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil right regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, America Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, which may be obtained online at , from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992 , or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant's name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights *ASCR( about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: 1. Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 2. Fax: (202) 690-7442 or (833) 256-1665 3. Email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Get in Touch 320 School Ave. Joplin, MO 64801 (417) 782-8384 First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Staff | Crosslines Ministrie

    Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area provides emergency services that improve the overall health and welfare of individuals and families in the Joplin, Carl Junction, and Webb City areas.  staff Crosslines is primarily a vessel through which the local church and other community partners meet the needs of our neighbors in need; however, we have a small team that helps manage the day to day operations of our organization. If you have a question about an area of our ministry, please click the icon below. Mail Executive Director Carrie Pence Warehouse Manager Beth Lead Driver & Warehouse Konrad Care Coordinator summer Care Coordinator kristina Care Coordinator holly Accountant Marki Grant Writer Jennifer Board of Directors Rodney rambo President Barbie Huff Vice President Kathy Lewis Treasurer Sarah Krueger Board Member Kathy Smith Board Member Jory Mertens Board Member Robbie Robinson Board Member

  • Contact | Crosslines Ministrie

    Contact us if you have any questions about any of the services Crosslines provides. Contact us CONNECT WITH US TODAY If you have a question about one of our programs, volunteer opportunities, donations, or any other inquiries, please use this form. One of our team members will be in touch as soon as possible. (417) 782-8384 320 S School Ave. Joplin, MO 64801 Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • About Us | Crosslines Ministrie

    Today, we have more than 40 supporting churches, over 200 volunteers, and 10 part-time staff members. We just celebrated 41 years of service to the Joplin, Carl Junction and Webb City communities and look forward to many more years of serving God's people in need through church and community partnerships. about us where we've been In March of 1982, Crosslines Churches of the Joplin Area began with a mission to"work together across denominational lines to meet human needs in the name of Jesus." Crosslines Joplin started with the support of 10 churches desiring to eliminate the duplication of services while providing a centralized location to operate a food pantry and clothing bank. where we're going As our community's need for services grew, so did Crosslines Ministries. Today, we have more than 40 supporting churches, over 200 volunteers, and 10 part-time staff members. We just celebrated 42 years of service to the Joplin, Carl Junction and Webb City communities and look forward to many more years of serving God's people in need through church and community partnerships. Need doesn't have a season. Everyone encounters difficult times. Sometimes they need help up. Anonymous “I became disabled 4 years ago due to an accident. Crosslines has been very helpful and provided me food for many meals. I may not have eaten otherwise. god bless those who donate." Let’s Work Together Sign up for Crosslines Connect, so we can work together to serve individuals and families in our community. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Partnerships | Crosslines Ministrie

    We could not provide the services that help individuals and families in our community without our partnerships. Our Partners Crosslines Ministries would not be able to serve individuals and families throughout our community without the generous financial assistance of our church partners, area businesses, donors, and foundations. We want to recognize and thank all of our donors and grantors for your continued support of our mission and vision. Nonprofit Partners Ozarks Food Harvest Valley of the Sun United Way The Salvation Army Community Foundation of the Ozarks Missouri United Methodist Foundation, Inc. Blackbaud Giving Fund Jim & Carol Gaskill Memorial Trust Joy Spiva Cragin Charitable Trust June M. Blaylock Living Trust Branstetter Trust Givinga Foundation, Inc. Jasper Co. Association for Social Services Helen M. Delano Fund W.R. Corley Memorial Trust Joplin Regional Community Foundation Church Partners Bethany Presbyterian Church Carterville United Methodist Church Christ's Community United Methodist Church Church of God's Grace College Heights Christian Church Emmanuel Baptist Church First Baptist Church Joplin First Baptist Church Webb City First Christian Church First Church Joplin First Church of Christ Scientist First Community Church of Christ First Presbyterian Church Webb City Harmony Heights Baptist Church Immanuel Lutheran Church Joplin Heights Baptist Church Park Plaza Christian Church Peace Lutheran Church Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church South Joplin Christian Church St. Paul's United Methodist Church St Phillip's Episcopal Church Villa Heights Christian Church Business Partners & donors Faz We st Group, LLC- Fazoli's Rio Enterprises KOAM TV Great Southern Bank Amazon Smile NCCAA Michael Corcorean Creative, LLC Toccoa Falls College Nexstar Media, Inc. Preceptor Lambda XI Arvest Bank The City of Joplin Roughneck Club Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 178 Casey's Schuber Mitchell Schreiber Foods

  • Support Us | Crosslines Ministrie

    Volunteer, fundraise, donate, or give to support Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area. Support our mission Volunteer Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization and we could not serve our community without them! In 2023, we had 137 volunteers serve 5,028+ hours. If you or your organization or group are interested in volunteering at Crosslines Ministries, please click the button below to contact our director for an application. Volunteer Fundraise We would be unable to fulfill these needs of those we serve at Crosslines Ministries without your generous donations of food, goods, and funds. Your support is invaluable to our mission and vision. Please see our FAQ page for the hours you may drop off donations. If you would like to make a financial contribution, please click the DONATE button below. Donate Food Drive We cannot thank the caring individuals, organizations, teams, and business who organization food drives for Crosslines Ministries. Your heart for those in need helps us make ends meet every month. If you have questions about organization a food drive or event to benefit Crosslines, please call or email. Every can counts! Email give financial support Donate Your generous contributions encourage growth and strength within the Joplin, Carl Junction, and Webb City communities. Crosslines Ministries would not exist without financial partners like you, and we are committed to stewarding the resources you provide with the upmost transparency and accountability. All donations are tax deductible. We are happy to provide you with a tax receipt upon request. In Person You may drop off monetary donations anytime during our business hours. Crosslines Ministries 320 School Ave Joplin, MO 64801 Online You may make secure monetary donations online via the link below. DONATE By Email Email us at the address below, and we can assist you with making a monetary donation.

  • Misson & Vision | Crosslines Ministrie

    The primary mission of Crosslines Ministries is to serve God's people in need through church and community partnerships. Our vision is to assist people in their current crisis by providing them with necessary resources to mitigate poverty through an empowerment theory of change.    Mission + vision “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10 Mission The primary mission of Crosslines Ministries is to serve God's people in need through church and community partnerships. Vision Our vision is to assist people in their current crisis by providing them with necessary resources to mitigate poverty through an empowerment theory of change. Core Values Service We believe we are called to serve one another and to help those in need throughout our community. Unity We believe we can achieve more together than we can apart, which is why we work together to accomplish our mission. Dignity & Worth of a person We believe that all people are created in the image of God and deserve to be shown love, kindness, and respect. Importance of human relationships We believe in the power of human relationships. It is through these relationships that we can make a lasting, positive impact on our community. Integrity We believe in doing all things with integrity, so that those whom we serve might feel the love of Jesus through our actions. If you’d like more information about our mission and vision, get in touch today. Get in Touch

Contact Us

320 S School Ave

Joplin, MO 64801

 (417) 782-8384

with us
hours of operation
  • 1st Monday of the month (USDA/TFAP only):

4pm – 6:30pm. Doors lock at 6:30pm.

  • Tuesday & Thursday:

10am – 2:00pm. Doors lock at 1:30pm.

  • Wednesdays (USDA/TFAP only): 

10am - 1:30pm

  • Fridays: CLOSED to the public.


* Check Facebook for changes to hours due to inclement weather, events, etc. 


Registered Charity Number : 43-1272794


© 2024 by Crosslines Ministries of the Joplin Area.

All Rights Reserved. Agencies will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, citizenship, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation including gender identity, unfavorable discharge from the military or status as a protected veteran. 

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